The Labelbase Newsletter – June 2024

Dear Labelbase Community-Member,

Hello and welcome to the fourth edition of the Labelbase newsletter!

Let's dive into this month's highlights!

Service and Platform Updates:

  • Version 2.2.0 A new address derivation feature was introduced with version 2.2.0. This enables the simple derivation of Bitcoin addresses from a BIP-329 XPUB label.
    The announcement, including a demo video, can be found here:
  • Version 2.2.1 Labelbase version 2.2.1 was primarily a “housekeeping release,” focusing on integration into RaspiBlitz, ensuring a smoother and more robust performance.

    Labelbase will be available in Version 1.11.1 of RaspiBlitz.
  • Version 2.2.2 With version 2.2.2 comes the ability to scan addresses from your favorite hardware wallet, QR codes from your mobile device, or even from a SATSCARD to label them directly in your own instance of Labelbase.

    The announcement can be found here:

Meme of the month:

Tips and Tricks:

  • Use Tree Maps: Tree Maps allow you to see how different outputs compare in size and performance. Also, Tree Map are a shortcut to retrieve the most important information of a specific output and can be used to reach each output's detail page.
  • Freeze outputs when needed: Here is where the BIP-329 spendable label takes center stage. This label attribute facilitates the freezing of unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) to prevent unintended spending, providing a valuable tool for ensuring that specific UTXOs remain untouched until you explicitly choose to spend them.

    In my opinion, every wallet should support this feature.

What are your favorite tips and tricks? Anything to share with the community? Just hit reply and let me know.

Community Spotlight:

Jameson Lopp listed Labelbase in the "Wallet Backups" category. I highly recommend Lopp's resource page.

Coinkite has released COLDCARD NFC Push TX, and we are running an instance of it. Our endpoint is

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Xavier "The Label Guy" Fiechter
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1:25 PM • Jun 27, 2024

Learn more about it here:

Support and Resources:

Your experience with Labelbase and its features is my top priority. If you ever find yourself in need of assistance or have any questions, I'm here for you.

Here are your options to get in touch:

  • Email: Feel free to reply directly to this email for any support-related queries. We aim to respond promptly to address your concerns or feedback.
  • Live Chat: The support chat is embedded directly within Labelbase. Open your profile on the top-right, then click on "Support Chat" to load the 3rd-party integration.

Again, if you encounter any errors while using your own Labelbase instance, which may be related to your local system, please let us know. We're here to help resolve them.

Thank you for being a valued member of the Bitcoin and Labelbase community.

See you next month!


PS: We love hearing about your success stories.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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